
Crossing parameters

Parameters for crossingslink


obj type of object crossing exactly this text
Name name of crossing Used in testing_page rail-road-crossing plain text
copyright name of authors plain text
waytype[0] way 1 Used in testing_page road a way type
waytype[1] way 2 Used in testing_page track a way type
speed[0] speed way 1 in km/h 40  digit
speed[1] speed way 2 in km/h 160  digit
sound sound upon way reservation Used in sv_WayDef sound.wav name of wav file
openimage[ns][0] background graphics when NS not reserved image reference
front_openimage[ns][0] foreground graphics when NS not reserved image reference
closedimage[ns][0] background graphics when NS reserved image reference
front_closedimage[ns][0] foreground graphics when NS reserved image reference
openimage[ew][0] background graphics when EW not reserved image reference
front_openimage[ew][0] foreground graphics when EW not reserved image reference
closedimage[ew][0] background graphics when OW reserved image reference
front_closedimage[ew][0] foreground graphics when EW reserved image reference
since version >102.2.2 
*image[*][1] winter version of images *image[*][0], image reference
for example, openimage[ns][1] is the winter version of openimage[ns][0] image reference
since version >102.2.2, makeobj version >50 
intro_month Month of Introduction Month as number
intro_year Year of Introduction 1955  Year as number
retire_month Month of Retirement Month as number
retire_year Year of Retirement 1982  Year as number

Are mode than one crossing available, then the crossing with the earlier introduction date gets build.
The crossings are placed automatically, the player cannot influence which crossing will be built.

Example of a crossing between road and railwaylink (11.20 Kb)

Dat file
Copy to clipboard
obj=crossing name=rail-road-crossing copyright=Raven/Hajo/prissi waytype[0]=road waytype[1]=track speed[0]=40 speed[1]=160 openimage[ns][0]=rail-road-crossing.0.1 front_openimage[ns][0]=rail-road-crossing.0.3 closedimage[ns][0]=rail-road-crossing.1.1 front_closedimage[ns][0]=rail-road-crossing.1.3 openimage[ew][0]=rail-road-crossing.0.0 front_openimage[ew][0]=rail-road-crossing.0.2 closedimage[ew][0]=rail-road-crossing.1.0 front_closedimage[ew][0]=rail-road-crossing.1.2

Image file




Used in testing_page The parameter Namelink



Used in testing_page The parameter waytypelink

This parameters determines which types of ways that meet at the crossing.

Way 1 (waytype[0]) is the unreserved (open) way.

Way 2 (waytype[1]) is the reserved (closed) way.

road Road
track Rail
tram_track Tram
monorail_track Monorail
maglev_track Maglev
water Waterway
narrowgauge_track Narrowgauge
air Air strip


Used in sv_WayDef The parameter soundlink

The wav file given as a value must be in the directory [Pakset]/sound.

The sound will be played when the crossing is reserved.



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