Simutrans-Extended Index

Simutrans-Extended Index

This is the wiki for Simutrans Extended (formerly known as Simutrans Experimental). Simutrans Extended is not the same game with additional features, but a branch project which differs in several fundamental game mechanics from standard Simutrans.

Simutrans-Extended has been developed to provide additional features not found in Simutrans-Standard, and also to modify some existing features to change the overall balance of the game. The emphasis is on economic and operational realism, improving the gameplay balance, increasing variety, and making the game more challenging in the later stages (where, in Simutrans-Standard, it can be very easy), and less challenging in the earlier stage (where, in Simutrans-Standard, it can be very hard): in other words, to have a longer, smoother learning curve.

Simutrans Extended was (and still is) developed by James Petts, who, in a previous incarnation, used to pull long freight trains through the Midlands, day or night, and in bad weather. He still retains some of these character traits.

This wiki is, as usual, a work in progress. At the moment is is not intended to be a complete game manual. If you're a beginner, please refer to either the standard Simutrans wiki or the Simutrans Extended in-game help system to learn the basics. What you'll find here is more detailed explanations for the mechanics that are unique to Simutrans Extended.

Where to get itlink

How to download the gamelink-external

Or download the latest nightly build, as a complete package with Pak128Britain.Ex (look for Be advised that the latest version may always contain bugs. Switch on Autosave in the config file!

Nightly builds Download Serverlink-external

Forum Threadlink-external

Basic information about the gamelink

Why Simutrans Extended? - Goals of the project

Miscellaneous features of Simutrans Extended - Scale, depot types, terraforming and other things

Standard features not supported in Extended



Simutrans Extended Forumlink-external



Game Balancelink

Map generationlink

Map generation time

Economics and Financelink

Economics & Finance



Industry Workers


Passengers - Passenger generation, journey time, walking, routing of goods and passengers

Passenger Stops - Passenger Stops and their coverage

Passenger & Mail Classes



Vehicles - Maintenance and running costs, reversing and others

Vehicle Physics

Convoy Spacing & Line Scheduling (Tutorial)

Private cars


Ways - Weight limits, constraints, bridges etc.


The Signalling Systemlink

Watch these first: Video Tutorials for the new Signal system on the SimEx YouTube channellink-external

Introduction to Signals in Simutrans Extended

Signals Working Methods

Basic Signal Types


Stops - Capacity, overcrowding, goods & passenger loading




Multi-player featureslink

Multi-player features


[+] Complete Indexlink

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