Special colors for Simutrans objects
Color marked with * were introduced in Simutrans version 0.99.09.Background color
Color | HEX | RGB
| ||||
0xE7FFFF | 231 255 255 |
This is the background color of the graphic arts files. This color is shown transparent in the game.
Player's colors
These colors are substituted in the game with the player's colors.
Day & night colors
Color | HEX | RGB | Night | HEX | RGB
| |
0x7F9BF1 | 127 155 241 | | 0x80C3D3 | 128 195 211 | ||
0xFFFF53 | 255 255 083 | | 0xFFFF53 | 255 255 083 | ||
0xFF211D | 255 033 029 | | 0xFF211D | 255 033 029 | ||
0x01DD01 | 001 221 001 | | 0x01DD01 | 001 221 001 | ||
0x4D4D4D | 077 077 077 | | 0xD3C380 | 211 195 128 | ||
0x57656F | 087 101 111 | | 0xD3C380 | 211 195 128 | ||
0xC1B1D1 | 193 177 209 | | 0xD3C380 | 211 195 128 | ||
0xE3E3FF | 227 227 255 | | 0xFFFFE3 | 255 255 227 | ||
* | 0xFF017F | 255 001 127 | | 0xFF017F | 255 001 127 | |
* | 0x0101FF | 001 001 255 | | 0x0101FF | 001 001 255 |
These colors shine as the night comes in Simutrans. Resultant color is shown at the right table.
Menu gray
Color | HEX | RGB
| ||||
0x6B6B6B | 107 107 107 | |||||
0x9B9B9B | 155 155 155 | |||||
0xB3B3B3 | 179 179 179 | |||||
0xC9C9C9 | 201 201 201 | |||||
0xDFDFDF | 223 223 223 |
These colors don't get darker as the night comes in Simutrans.
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