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Settings in the DAT files of buildings

The parameters and values are separated by '='.
obj Object type building exactly this text
name Name of the object Hotel plain Text
copyright Name of Artist plain Text
intro_month Month of Introduction 2 Month as number
intro_year Year of Introduction 1955 Year as number
retire_month Month of Retirement 8 Month as number
retire_year Year of Retirement 1982 Year as number
noinfo No info window 1 Number
noconstruction No excavation pit showed when under construction 1 Number
type Type of Building res exactly the type text
chance Chance of construction 100 Number
level Passenger and post level 320 Number
needs_ground Basic tiles cover 1 Number
from Ver. 0.99.00
climates What climate zone this building will appear in (see Climate zones)
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Additional parameters for city building (com, ind, res)

ab Version 0.112.3
clusters Belonging to cluster Used in sv_VehicleDef 1 - 32 Number
ab Version 0.122.0
preservation_month from this month no renewal in the defined year 3 Number
preservation_year from this year, no renewal from a defined month 1953 Number
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Additional parameters for places of interest (cur), Monuments (mon) and City halls (tow)

build_time Determines the construction place 0 Number
Passengers / level Gives the passenger's level and postal level of the place of interest 130 Number
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Additional parameters for player's building (station, busstop, wharf, carstop, harbour, airport)

( up to Version / Makeobj 48 )
extension_building the building is an extension building 1 Number
enables_pax switches passengers freely 1 Number
enables_post switches post freely 1 Number
enables_ware switches all goods freely 1 Number
icon Button in the menu Picture information Parameter and image information separated by '=> '.
cursor Cursor with choice Picture information -
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Additional parameters for extension building (hall, post, shed)

( up to Version / Makeobj 48 )
enables_pax switches passengers freely 1 Number
enables_post switches post freely 1 Number
enables_ware switches all goods freely 1 Number
icon Button in the menu Picture information Parameter and image information separated by '=> '.
cursor Cursor with choice Picture information -
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Additional parameters for player and extension buildings from version 0.100.0 (Makeobj 49)

type type of building stop exactly the type value
waytype Traffic Route track exactly the waytype value
enables_pax switches passengers freely 1 Number
enables_post switches post freely 1 Number
enables_ware switches all goods freely 1 Number
icon Button in the menu Picture information Parameter and image information separated by '=> '.
cursor Cursor with choice Picture information -
allow_underground where building is allowed 0, 1, 2 (default) 0: only above ground, 1: only underground, 2: both
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Additional parameters for player and extension buildings from version 0.120.0 (Makeobj 55.3)

If these parameters are used, the level parameter must be removed.

capacity Specification of the capacity per field 123 Number
maintenance Maintenance costs per field 1587 Number in 1/100 Cr without separator
cost Construction costs per field 168412 Number in 1/100 Cr without separator
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For the graphic representation the parameter BackImage is responsible.

Detailed Explanations

Used in testing_page The parameter name

This parameter determines the name of the object. It should not coincide with a name of the files object.*.pak in the used pakset folder. With buildings from Type res, com and ind the name should also begin with res, com or ind.


Used in testing_page The parameter type

There are the following values of the parameter type:
City Buildings

res residental building
com commercial building
ind industrial building
tow city hall
mon monument
cur curiousity buildings
hq company's headquarter
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Player Buildings
( up to Version / Makeobj 48 )

station station
busstop bus stop/tram stop
carstop truck yard
wharf port on canal
habour port in the sea
airport airport
monorailstop monorail and magnet rail station
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Extension building for player's building
( up to Version / Makeobj 48 )

hall waiting room
post post office
shed warehouse
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Used in testing_page The parameter type for player building from version 0.100.0

Additionally, the parameter type can take the following values:
stop Stop/Station
harbour Harbour (or for backwards compatibility, "habour")
depot Depot
extension Station extension building
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Used in sv_WayDef The parameter level

{DIV(align=justify, width= )}
The parameter level indicates how much passenger's traffic and postal traffic origins from the building. With the renewal of the buildings through the city, a building with a higher level value is built.

The information in the info window of the building calculates itself as follows:

Building of the Type ind

Base 1 tile   Formula   level value gives
Passengers: = level 20 20
Post: = level / 2 20 10
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Building of the Type com

Base 1 tile   Formula    level value gives
Passengers: = level 20 20
Post: = level * 2 20 40
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All the other buildings

Base 1 tile  Formula  level value gives
Passengers: = level 20 20
Post: = level 20 20
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Buildings that occupy more than one tile the resulting value is multiplied by the number of tiles.

Used in sv_WayDef The parameter build_time

If the value 0 is, the place of interest on the land is built. If the value is bigger than 0, he gives the number of inhabitants with which the place of interest is built in the city.

With monuments and city halls the parameter always gives the number of inhabitants with which the monument or city hall is built.


Used in sv_VehicleDef The parameters Passengers or level with places of interest (cur), monuments (mon) and city halls (tow)

Passengers if is the old parameter manner of writing.
The parameter level is to be pulled to the parameter Passengers before.

The parameter determines the passenger's rate and postal rate field of the building.

Level=1 corresponds to a rate of 0.


Used in sv_VehicleDef The parameter needs_ground

This parameter indicates whether a building the basic tile/s completely covers or not.

needs_ground = 0 -> tile completely covered (default - can be omitted)
needs_ground = 1 -> tile not completely covered


Used in sv_VehicleDef The parameter waytype

The parameter both specifies the type of traffic carrier and assigns the building to a menu.

road Road Road construction menu
track Railroad Railroad construction menu
tram_track Tram track Tram construction menu
monorail_track Monorail Monorail construction menu
maglev_track Maglev rail Maglev construction menu
water Ship/canal Ship/canal construction menu
air Airport Airport construction menu
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Without statement of waytype, the building appears in that special tools menu.


Used in sv_VehicleDef The parameter clusters

This parameter specifies the number of the cluster to which a building belongs.
When constructing next to a building that belongs to a cluster, there is an increased probability that a building from the same cluster will be built; the probability of houses without or with other cluster memberships is reduced.

The number is represented internally as five bits. Numbers from 1 to 32 are therefore possible.

The building can also be assigned to several clusters, separated by a comma.

clusters=4,6 or clusters=1,2,3 

The parameter cluster_factor in cityrules.tab specifies the factor by which the chance of construction within an existing cluster is increased or decreased.



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Contributors to this page: Andarix , Frank and wlindley .
Page last modified on Thursday January 25, 2024 20:53:00 CET by Andarix.

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