
Cursor parameters

The parameters of Cursorslink (5.84 Kb)
{TRAFD(fields=>9, filtervalue=>7)}{TRAFD}

Parameter Meaning Value Format
obj Type of the Object cursor exactly this text
Name Name Of the Object Used in testing_page exactly the name of cursors
Image[0] Graphics of the Cursors Image File

Used in testing_page The name of cursorslink

Name Meaning
Query Query Tool
Down Lower Land Tool
Up Raise Land Tool
Marked Place Marker Sign Tool
Remove Demolition Tool
Schedule Schedule List
Baum Tree Plantation

Name Meaning
ShipDepotEW Shipyard deleted from Ver. 0.99.18
ShipDepotNS Shipyard deleted from Ver. 0.99.18
City start city
Undocumented nonspecific cursor
Slope Land Movement Single Field
Mouse cursor
Signal signal


Dat files
Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Query Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.0

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Signal Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.1

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Down Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.3

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Up Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.2

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Marked Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.4

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Remove Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.5

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Mouse Image[0]=> ls-cursors.1.4

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Schedule Image[0]=ls-cursors.0.6

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=ShipDepotNS Image[0]=ls-cursors.1.6

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=ShipDepotEW Image[0]=ls-cursors.1.5

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Undocumented Image[0]=ls-cursors.1.1

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Slope Image[0]=ls-cursors.1.2

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=Baum Image[0]=ls-cursors.1.0

Copy to clipboard
Obj=cursor Name=City Image[0]=ls-cursors.1.3




NOTE: Pak size dependant. Each cursor image must be the same size as the one you intended to create in.

Eg: 64x64px -> pak64
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Zu dieser Seite haben beigesteuert: Frank , IgorEliezer und system .
Seite zuletzt geändert: am Mittwoch Oktober 18, 2023 14:56:16 GMT-0000 von Frank.

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